Stimulated Scattering of Microcavity Polaritons
J. Bloch, P. Senellart, V. Thierry-Mieg and J.Y. Marzin
Laboratoire de Microstructures et de Microélectronique, 196 av. Henri Ravéra
92 225 Bagneux Cedex, France
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We report on cw optical experiments performed in a semiconductor microcavity containing a single quantum well in the strong coupling regime. Angularly resolved photoluminescence measurements under non-resonant excitation show the collapse of a relaxation bottleneck as the excitation power is increased. As a result, the emission close to k=0 presents a non-linear behavior. In a two-beam experiment we resonantly inject polaritons at k=0 and show that relaxation from states with large in-plane wave vector toward k=0 is stimulated by the polariton final state population.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.98.295
PACS numbers: 71.36.+c, 71.35.Lk, 78.30.Fs, 42.55.Sa