Electrical Conductivity for the Strongly Correlated and Hybridized Hubbard Band
R. Kosimowa, W. Borgieła and J. Deniszczykb
a Institute of Physics, Silesian University, Universytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
b Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Metals, Silesian University, Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
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The magnetic and electrical transport properties of strongly correlated Hubbard band (f-band) hybridizing with the non-correlated conduction band (c-band) was studied. The many-body model Hamiltonian was treated within the modified alloy analogy scheme and the resulting one-body problem was solved with the use of coherent potential approximation. Within the Kubo-Greenwood formalism the dc electrical conductivity for bcc magnetic system was calculated and its variation with temperature and number of electrons was examined for different values of the Coulomb and hybridization (V) coupling constants. We found that the effect of strong correlations and hybridization on the conductivity is similar to that produced by the scattering due to the s-f interaction (spin disorder resistivity).
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.97.799
PACS numbers: 71.10.Fd, 71.27.+a, 72.10.-d, 72.15.-v