XPS Study of "infinite Chain" Ca2CuO3 and Ca0.5Sr0.5CuO2 Compounds
I. Jacyna-Onyszkiewicza and Yu.B. Poltorackyb
a Institute of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 85, 61-614 Poznań, Poland
b NMO "Monocrystalreactiv", Lenin 60, 310077 Kharkov, Ukraine
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Al Kα excited photoelectron spectra (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) of the O 1s, Cu 2p, Ca 2p, Sr 3d core levels were measured for "infinite chain" Ca2CuO3 and Ca0.5Sr0.5CuO2 compounds. The analysis indicates that for Ca2CuO3 the surface electronic structure is strongly influenced by a humid atmosphere. The surface layer is formed predominantly by copper hydroxide. The minor features of Cu 2p and O 1s are characteristic of the bulk bonding states. The valences of the Cu, Ca, and Sr atoms are close to 2+. The core electron binding energies (≈ 934 eV peak) are due to the 2p3/23d10L1 configuration of Cu(II) ions in the square planar coordination for both samples.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.97.603
PACS numbers: 79.60.-i, 74.72.-h, 74.72.Jt