Magnetic and Electric Transport Properties of Fe-Hf-o Films Prepared by Supersonic Plasma Jet Method |
V. Soyka, L. Kraus, Z. Frait, M. S̆ícha and L. Jastrabík Institute of Physics, ASCR, Na Slovance 2, 18221 Praha 8, Czech Republic |
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The influence of deposition conditions on the structure, magnetic properties, and electrical resistivity of Fe-Hf-O films, prepared by the supersonic plasma jet deposition technique, was investigated. Composition of the films was controlled by the nozzle composition and the working gas. It varied in the limits: 15-68 at.% of Fe, 0.5-8 at.% of Hf and 29-80 at.% of O. The films were mainly X-ray amorphous. Some of them showed a weak and broad peak near the [110] reflection of α-Fe indicating the presence of Fe-rich clusters in an amorphous matrix. Depending on the deposition parameters the magnetic properties vary from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic ones. The electrical resistivity changes from the metallic to the hopping type. In some samples a large negative magnetoresistance is observed. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.97.515 PACS numbers: 75.50.Kj, 75.70.Pa |