Theoretical Study of Phase Diagrams for Reentrant Superconducting Er1-xHoxX, Er1-xGdxX, Er1-xTmxX, HoxLu1-xX, and Sm1-xErxX (X = Rh4B4) Alloys
E. Gosławska and M. Matlak
Institute of Physics, Silesian University, Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
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We consider a simplified version of the s-f model, supplemented by the intersite Cooper pairs interaction between conduction electrons with opposite spins to investigate ferromagnetic and superconducting properties of an alloy Re1-x(1)Rex(2)X (Re(1),(2) - rare earth elements, X = Rh4B4) using the virtual crystal approximation. For a suitable choice of the model parameters we can reproduce the phase boundaries of the experimentally measured phase diagrams for Er1-xHoxX, Er1-xGdx X, Er1-xTmxX, HoxLu1-xX, and Sm1-xErxX alloys.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.97.415
PACS numbers: 75.30.Kz, 75.40.Cx