Structural Mechanism of the High-Damping State Formation in the Fe-Mn-Si Shape Memory Alloys
V.A. Udovenko, N.A. Polyakova and T.A. Turmambekov
Central Research Institute of Iron and Steel Industry (State Scientific Centre), Moscow 107005, Russia
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The structural mechanism of the high-damping state formation in the Fe-Mn-Si alloys has been investigated using transition electron microscopy and logarithmic decrement measurements. The high level of the elastic energy dissipation was found to be connected with a reversible movement of the Shockley dislocations under the sign changing stress action. The Shockley dislocations density and mobility are controlled by the alloys compositions and prior deformation value. The increase in the dislocations density with the help of the special cycling treatments can improve the alloys damping capacity.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.96.307
PACS numbers: 61.16.-d, 75.50.Bb, 75.60.Ej, 75.80.+q