Local Structure and Molecular Correlations in Liquid Naphthalene
Z. Bochyński and L. Dejneka
Non-Crystalline Materials Division, Institute of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Grunwaldzka 6, 60-780 Poznań 2, Poland
Received: June 4, 1996; revised version April 8, 1997; in final form November 12, 1997
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X-ray diffraction studies of liquid naphthalene and, for the sake of comparison, of liquid benzene and diphenyl were performed. The results permitted the determination of the intermolecular distances and the packing coefficient. A comparison of the structures of liquid naphthalene, benzene, and diphenyl shows that in benzene and diphenyl 3 coordination spheres of molecular ordering can be distinguished in the range up to 18 Å, while in naphthalene only two in the range up to 15 Å. Analysis of the space packing in (benzene, naphthalene, and diphenyl) all liquids studied has proved its substantial increase with increasing volume of their molecules.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.93.471
PACS numbers: 61.25.Em