Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Ordered Organic Monolayer Films on Si(001) |
R.J. Hamers, J. Hovis and H. Liu Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, 1101 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706, USA |
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Scanning tunneling microscopy and optical spectroscopy techniques have been utilized to investigate the formation of ordered organic monolayer films on the (001) face of silicon. Cyclopentene and 1,5-cyclooctadiene both produce monolayer films that are ordered translationally and rotationally. The rotational orientations of the molecules arise from the directional interaction of the π orbitals of the starting alkene with the π orbital of the dimers comprising the reconstructed Si(001) surface, with the Si(001) surface acting as a template for determining the directionality of molecules in the subsequent organic film. Using single-domain Si(001) samples, it is shown that the molecular films also exhibit anisotropy in optical properties when measured on centimeter length scales. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.93.289 PACS numbers: 61.16.Ch, 34.50.Dy, 68.55.-a |