Anisotropic Lattice Misfit Relaxation in AlGaAs Semi-Bulk Layers Grown on GaAs Substrates by Liquid Phase Electroepitaxy
Z.R. Żytkiewicz, J. Domagała, J. Bąk-Misiuk, D. Dobosz
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland

and M. Leszczyński
High Pressure Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sokołowska 29/37, 01-142 Warsaw, Poland.
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Experimental evidence for unidirectional microcracking in semi-bulk AlGaAs layers grown on (001) GaAs substrates is presented. The asymmetrical microcracking leads to anisotropic lattice misfit relaxation in the AlGaAs/GaAs structure and is explained in terms of higher mobility of [-110]-oriented α-type dislocations than that of β-type dislocations oriented in [110] direction.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.92.1092
PACS numbers: 68.55.Ln, 68.60.Bs