Phase Transition Spin Glass-Long Magnetic Order in New Thiospinels Containing Cu, Cr and Sb
L.I. Koroleva, R.V. Demin, M.Kh. Mashaev, D.A. Saiflullaeva, T.V. Virovets, Ya.A. Kessler and D.S. Filimonov
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119899 Moscow, Russia
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The reentrant spin-glass transition was found in the samples of solid solutions CuCr1.5+0.5xSb0.5-0.5xS4 with x=0.34 and 0.4. The transition temperature to the spin-glass state Tf, determined from the bend on the temperature dependence of the initial susceptibility in an ac magnetic field, depends on the measurement frequency. It was shown that the dependence Tf(ω) obeys the power law 1/ω=(1/ω0)[Tf/(Tf - T*)] assuming existence of the phase transition at T*. The maximum of the temperature dependence of electroresistivity was found for the sample with x=0.34 in T* region. These facts show that considered spin-glass-long magnetic order transition is the phase transition.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.92.441
PACS numbers: 75.10.Nr