High Quality (100) and (001) Oriented Substrates Prepared from Czochralski Grown SrLaGaO4 and SrLaAlO4 Single Crystals
M. Berkowski, J. Fink-Finowicki
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland

J. Sass and K. Mazur
Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Wólczyńska 133, 01-919 Warsaw, Poland
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The growth of SrLaGaO4 and SrLaAlO4 crystals on ⟨100⟩ and ⟨001⟩ oriented seeds was investigated. Various defects, which appeared in crystals grown on these two orientations, were observed in polarized light and by X-ray diffraction topography. It was found that to obtain a substrate of the best quality, the crystal should be cut along the growth directions. Therefore, crystals pulled along ⟨100⟩ direction are utilized for preparation of (001) substrates, whereas (100) substrates are better to cut from crystals grown on ⟨001⟩ seed. The quality of the prepared substrates was determined by high resolution X-ray diffraction study in terms of rocking curve and mean mosaic angle.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.92.201
PACS numbers: 81.10.Fq, 68.35.Bs, 61.50.Ks