Thin Films and Heterostructures of Layered Oxides: Preparation and Properties
P. Przysłupski
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland
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A brief overview of the deposition and properties of YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) based heterostructures is presented. Emphasis is placed on the assessment of the deposition process and the properties of practical thin films and heterostructures of layered oxides. Besides a reference to the literature we present our recent results concerning deposition, structural and magnetic properties of YBa2Cu3O7 /RE1-xAxMnO3 (YBCO/REMO) heterostructures.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.92.127
PACS numbers: 74.72.Bk, 74.76.-w, 75.70.Cn