X-Ray Characterization of GaAs:Zn Gas-transport Grown Whiskers Using Conventional and Synchrotron Sources |
W. Paszkowicza, J. Góreckaa, J. Domagałaa, N. Dmitrukb, S.S. Varshavac, J. Härtwigd, M. Ohlerd and A. Pietraszkoe aInstitute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland bInstitute for Physics of Semiconductors, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine cState University of Technology, 290648 Lviv, Ukraine dEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility, 38043 Grenoble, France eInstitute of Low Temperatures and Structural Research, Okólna 2, Wrocław, Poland |
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GaAs:Zn whiskers grown by the gas-transport method are characterized by diffraction methods using white and monochromatic radiation. The methods applied include the white-beam topography at ESRF synchrotron source and Laue patterns, 4-circle Bond diffractometry and high-resolution diffractometry at conventional X-ray sources. The results obtained concern the growth morphology and defect structure. It is found that GaAs:Zn whiskers grown by the described method have the form of long needles and blades of the morphologies represented by growth direction and largest lateral face ⟨112⟩{111} and ⟨111⟩{112}, respectively, with a single exception of a blade of uncommon morphology ⟨111⟩{110}. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.91.997 PACS numbers: 61.72.Dd, 68.70.+w |