Calculation of Population Densities of Excited CI and CII Levels in Helium and Argon Plasmas Containing Small Admixtures of CO2 - Importance to Analysis of Radiation Emitted from Plasmas of Axial Symmetry |
A. Bacławski and J. Musielok Institute of Physics, Opole University, Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, Poland |
Received: November 4, 1996; in final form: January 28, 1997 |
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Population densities of excited CI and CII levels are calculated in helium and argon plasmas containing small admixtures of CO2. Calculations are performed for a total pressure of 1 atmosphere, in a temperature interval from 8000 K to 40000 K, assuming local thermal equilibrium (LTE) and partial local thermal equilibrium (pLTE) conditions. Normal temperatures are obtained for selected excited CI and CII levels. The results are applied to a helium plasma with traces of CO2, of cylindrical symmetry with presumed radial temperature distribution. Effective intensities of CI and CII spectral lines, corresponding to side-on radiance measurements along the cylinder diameter are evaluated. On hand of these effective line intensities and applying the Boltzmann plot method effective temperatures are evaluated and compared with the presumed temperature distribution. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.91.519 PACS numbers: 32.30.-r, 52.25.Rv, 52.25.-b |