Unconventional Superconductivity in Strong Magnetic Field
L. Kowalewski, M.M. Nogala, M. Thomas and R.J. Wojciechowski
Institute of Physics, A. Mickiewicz University, Grunwaldzka 6, 60-769 PoznaƄ, Poland
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The Landau quantization effects are considered in low carrier concentration unconventional spin triplet p-wave superconductors in a high magnetic field region. The field dependence of the superconducting order parameter and the vortex lattice states for intra Landau level pairing are analyzed. The gap functions are calculated within mean field approximation.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.91.395
PACS numbers: 74.60.-w, 74.20.Fg, 71.70.Di, 74.62.-c