Exchange Coupling and Magnetization Profiles of Binary and Ternary Magnetic Multilayers
F. Süss, U. Krey
Institut für Physik II der Universität, 93040 Regensburg, Germany

and S. Krompiewski
Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-179 Poznań, Poland
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Within a spin-polarized LMTO approach in the atomic-sphere approximation we calculate ab initio the magnetic properties of various binary and ternary multilayers composed of Fe, Co, Ni, Cr, V and Cu. The emphasis lies on the indirect exchange interaction of the magnetic sandwiches across the antiferromagnetic or non-magnetic spacers, and on the profiles of the intrinsic resp. induced magnetic moments. Among other results we find (i) that Ni is very sensitive on its neighborhood and that (ii) at the interface to Fe, V gets almost as strongly polarized as Cr, whereas in the interior layers, the V sandwich remains non-polarized.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.91.281
PACS numbers: 75.70.-i, 75.70.Cn