Optical Study of MBE Grown Undoped Si-Si1-xGex/Si Superlattices |
V.P. Gnezdilov, M. Mironov, V. Yshakov Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov 310164, Ukraine O.A. Mironov, P.J. Phillips and E.H.C. Parker Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, U.K. |
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Raman spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry have been used to characterize Si/Si0.78Ge0.22 superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (001)Si at different substrate temperatures. The results are interpreted to give information on material and interface quality, layer thicknesses, and state of strain. The observed frequencies of zone-folded longitudinal acoustic phonons in a high quality sample agree well with those calculated using Rytov's theory of acoustic vibrations in layered media. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.90.1045 PACS numbers: 78.30.-j, 78.66.-w, 78.66.Db |