Possibility of Gamma-Induced Sensibilization Process in Rare-Earth Doped Yag Crystals
S. Kaczmareka, A.O. Matkovskiib, Z. Mierczyka, K. Kopczyńskia, D.Yu. Sugakb, A.N. Duryginc and Z. Frukaczd
aInstitute of Optoelectronics, MUT, 2 Kaliski Str., 01-489 Warsaw, Poland
bSRC "Carat", R&D Institute of Materials, 202, Stryjska Str., 290031 Lviv, Ukraine
cInstitute of Physics, Ukrainian Academy of Science, 46 Nauka Av., 252650, Kiev, Ukraine
dInstitute of Electronic Materials Technology, 133 Wólczyńska Str., 01-919 Warsaw, Poland
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The influence of gamma irradiation on optical and lasing properties of Nd:YAG, Er:YAG and CTH:YAG single crystals was studied. The increase in optical output was established for rods without thermal annealing. The possible mechanisms of radiation sensibilization are discussed.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.90.285
PACS numbers: 61.72.Ji, 61.80.Ed, 78.20.Dj