Electron Spin Resonance Study of Nd3+ and Er3+ Ions in YAlO3
R. Jabłoński and Z. Frukacz
Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, 133 Wólczyńska, 01-919 Warsaw, Poland
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In this paper we present the results of ESR and photo-ESR measurements on YAlO3(YAP) single crystals and powder samples doped purposely with about 1 at.% Nd3+ and undoped crystals in which Er3+ was observed as residual dopant. The ESR measurements were carried out at X-band spectrometer in 4-300 K temperature range. The photo-ESR was performed at 5 K using a mercury arc lamp. For the Nd3+ doped crystals the intensity of ESR signal decreased about 2 times during illumination conditions. Moreover, the calculations of the g tensor and A hyperfine structure parameters for Nd3+ and Er3+ were carried out.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.90.339
PACS numbers: 76.30.-v, 61.72.-y, 42.70.Hj