Increase in Neutron Reflectivity from Big Cu and CoFe (8%at.) Alloy Single Crystal Plates Resulting from Cold Hammering of the Plates |
M. Ślepowroński, S. Bednarski, M. Wieczorkowski and E.F. Maliszewski Institute of Atomic Energy, 05-400 Świerk-Otwock, Poland |
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In the paper changes of neutron reflectivity of big (120×70×10 mm3) Cu single crystalline monochromators and CoFe (8%at.) single crystalline, polarising monochromators after cold hammering of the starting plates, are described. An almost three times higher number of reflected neutrons (total reflectivity) and about 20% higher intensity in peak maximum were observed, for Cu plates (measured in reflection from (220) plane)), while the mosaic's spread was about 2 times higher than the one measured for a non-treated plate. In the case of CoFe, 3 mm thick plates, a two times higher number of reflected neutrons and almost 60% higher intensity in peak maximum were observed (measured in transmission - from (200) plane) after hammering, while the mosaic's spread increase was rather small (about 15%). |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.89.389 PACS numbers: 06.90.+v, 81.40.-z |