Photovoltaic Effect of ZnTe-Cd1-xMnxTe1-ySey Heterojunctions in Presence of Magnetic Field
R.R. Gałązka
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland

and Nguyen The Khoi
Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University, Hoża 69, 00-681 Warszawa, Poland
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Photovoltaic effect of the ZnTe-Cd1-xMnxTe1-ySey heterojunctions, prepared by vapor-transport epitaxy of ZnTe on Cd1-xMnxTe1-ySey substrate was studied. The photovoltaic measurements were carried out over the temperature range from 12 K to 300 K and in the magnetic field up to 6 T. In the magnetic field, maximum of the sensitivity corresponding to the energy of the forbidden gap of Cd1-xMnxTe1-ySey substrate splits into two components for σ+ and σ¯ circular polarizations of incident light. This phenomenon was ascribed to the exchange interaction of the magnetic moments of Mn++ ions with band electrons. From the value of the splitting energy the exchange integral N0(α-β) was determined to be 1.15 ± 0.2 eV.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.88.841
PACS numbers: 71.25.Tn,78.20.Ls, 72.80.Ga