Absorption of Thin ZnSe, ZnS and ZnSxSe1-x Films under High Hydrostatic Pressure |
E. Griebl, G.F. Schőtz, Ch. Birzer, W. Kerner, T. Reisinger, B. Hahn, W. Gebhardt Institute of Physics, University of Regensburg, Universitätsstr. 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany |
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We present absorption measurements on free-standing ZnSe, ZnS and ZnSxSe1-x films (d = 0.4...2 μm) under hydrostatic pressure up to 15 GPa. The refraction index n(λ,P) of ZnS and ZnSe in the transparent region up to 800 nm and the pressure shift of the E0 absorption edge of ZnSe and some ZnSxSe1-x-compositions was investigated at 293 K. At 2 K free exciton states near the E0- and E0 + Δ0-gap are visible in absorption. Increase in the Rydberg energy under pressure was found, which is explained with k • p-theory in the framework of the hydrogen model. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.88.995 PACS numbers: 71.35.+z, 73.61.Ga |