MBE Growth and Characterization of Cubic MnTe(111) on BaF2 Substrates
E. Janik, T. Wojtowicz, E. Dynowska, J. Bąk-Misiuk, J. Domagała, G. Karczewski and J. Kossut
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland
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We report on growth by molecular beam epitaxy of cubic MnTe(111) layers on BaF2 (111) substrates. Layers as thick as 0.2-1.0 μm were grown. Basic characterization by X-ray diffraction shows that the cubic crystal structure is deformed to orthorhombic symmetry.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.88.982
PACS numbers: 75.50.Pp, 68.55.Bd, 68.55.Jk