Piezoelectric Effect in Strained CdTe-Based Heterostructures |
J. Cibert, R. Andre and Le Si Dang Laboratoire de Sρectrométrie Physique, CNRS et Université J. Fourier-Grenoble, BP87, 38402 St Martin d'Hères, Cedex, France |
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Strained III-V or II-VI heterostructures grown along a polar axis incorporate a piezoelectric field which strongly alters their electronic properties. We review some experimental studies of this built-in field, and its consequences, in CdTe-CdMnTe and CdTe-CdZnTe heterostructures. This includes: (i) the measure of the built-in field, with as an example the dependence of the piezoelectric coefficient on bond length; (ii) the description of the exciton formed by an electron and a hole which can be continuously separated in space by the piezoelectric field; (iii) some examples of the extreme sensitivity to any additional electric field. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.88.591 PACS numbers: 77.65.Bn, 78.20.Ηp, 78.66.Ηf |