Electric Polarization of Onsager Fluids. I. Dipole Polarization. 3. The Role of Universal Pairwise Interactions
V.V. Prezhdoa, G.V. Tarasovab, O.V. Prezhdoc, S.A. Τyurinb, N.I. Ivanovb and T.N. Kurskayab
aInstitute of Chemistry, University of Opole, Oleska 48, 49-951 Opole, Poland
bUkrainian Scientific Center for Water Control, Kharkov, Ukraine
cDepartment of Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin, USA
Received: March 7, 1995; in final form: May 9, 1995
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A comparative study of the methods of interpretation of solvent influences on electric properties of molecules was conducted based on experimental dielectric properties of dilute solutions of organic substances of various polarity. It was shown that the solvent effect estimated via London-Debye-Keesom pairwise interaction potentials is best accounted for by theories of polarization of condense media which develop the anzatzes of reactive field and local dielectric permittivity.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.88.419
PACS numbers: 35.20.My, 31.70.Dk