Positron Annihilation Study of the Ageing Effects in the Cu-Zn-Sn Parent Phase |
J.E. Frąckowiak, K. Płotkowski and A. Salamon Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Metals, Silesian University, Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice, Poland |
Received: February 10, 1995; in final form: May 9, 1995 |
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A study of ageing effects on the structure of Cu-Zn-Sn shape memory alloys was performed using the 119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy and positron annihilation techniques (the positron lifetime, and Doppler broadening line-shape S-parameter measurements). Two stages of ageing at 200°C connected with redistribution of Sn atoms were observed. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.88.327 PACS numbers: 61.66.Dk, 61.72.-y, 78.70.Bj, 76.80.+y |