Electric Current Flow through Tetracene Layer-Anthracene Crystal Junction
R. Signerski, J. Godlewski and H. Sodolski
Department of Molecular Physics, Technical University of Gdańsk, G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
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Theoretical and experimental analysis was carried out on electric cur­rents limited by the potential barrier governing the flow of holes from the tetracene layer to the anthracene crystal. Theoretical spatial distributions of charge carriers near the barrier were determined, as well as current-field dependences for the currents flowing through the investigated junction in the presence and in the absence of illumination. A current-field character­istic of the junction conditioned current is described by dependence of the j ∝ E³0 type in the presence of illumination and by the j ∝ E2l+10 type in the lack of illumination, where l is the characteristic parameter of the trap distribution. Experimental research of the hole currents flowing through the polycrystalline tetracene layer-anthracene monocrystal junction confirmed the theoretical predictions about the current-field characteristics. A remark­ably unequivocal confirmation was obtained for the current-field dependences in the presence of illumination.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.87.843
PACS numbers: 72.40.+w