Influence of Impact Ionization of Shallow Donors on Luminescence in GaAs
A. Wysmołek and J. Łusakowski
Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Warsaw, Hoża 69, 00-681 Warszawa, Poland
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Luminescence spectra of n-type molecular beam epitaxial layer and semi-insulating liquid encapsulated Czochralski grown bulk GaAs were mea­sured at liquid helium temperature for zero electric field and for fields which caused impact ionization of shallow donors. Application of the electric field caused a decrease in the luminescence intensity and a broadening of all ob­served structures. It was found that the electric field changed the lumines­cence spectrum of the n-type material in a different way than it did in the case of the semi-insulating one. For the n-type sample, an intensity of exci­tonic lines decreased much more than that of donor-acceptor lines when the electric field grew. A contrary was observed for the semi-insulating sample. An explanation of the result is proposed which takes into account an in­fluence of ionised impurity scattering and localization in fluctuations of the electrostatic potential on the luminescence process.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.87.261
PACS numbers: 72.20.Ht, 78.55.-m