PbSe:Cr - New Resonant Donor System |
T. Story, Ż. Wilamowski, E. Grodzicka, W. Dobrowolski, B. Witkowska Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland and J. Voiron Laboratoire de Magnetisme Louis Néel, CNRS, 38042 Grenoble, France |
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Hall effect, conductivity, electron paramagnetic resonance and magnetization of Pb1-xCrxSe (x ≤ 0.01) crystals were measured as a function of Cr content and electron concentration. The experimental results suggest that Cr in PbSe creates a resonant donor state with the energy of about 125 meV above the bottom of the conduction band. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.87.229 PACS numbers: 75.50.Pρ, 72.20.My |