Influence of Pressure on Magnetization of (Cd1-x-yZnyMnx)3As2
H. Bednarski, J. Cisowski, W. Lubczyński
Department of Solid State Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wandy 3, 41-800 Zabrze, Poland

J. Voiron
Laboratoire de Magnétisme Louis Néel, CNRS, Grenoble, France

and J.C. Portal
Laboratoire des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, CNRS, Grenoble, France
and Département de Génie Physique, INSA, Toulouse, France
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The influence of hydrostatic pressure up to 0.6 GPa on magnetization of (Cd1-x-yZnyMnx)3As2 with various compositions was studied at 4.2 K and in magnetic fields up to 7 T. The obtained experimental data were analysed within our generalized pair approximation model, treating the total Mn-Mn interaction strength as a sum of superexchange and the Bloembergen-Rowland exchange. As a result, we obtained satisfactory agree­ment between our approach and experiment by introducing a pressure de­pendence of p-d hybridization potential Vpd in the form Vpdd-4, where d is the Mn-As bond length which decreases with pressure.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.87.205
PACS numbers: 75.30.Cr