High Pressure Freeze-out of Electrons in Undoped GaN Crystal. Proof of Existence of Resonant Donor State (Nitrogen Vacancy)
P. Perlin, H. Teisseyre, T. Suski, M. Leszczyński, I. Grzegory, J. Jun, and S. Porowski
High Pressure Research Center "Unipress", Polish Academy of Sciences, Sokołowska 29, 01-142 Warszawa, Poland
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We investigated free carriers related optical absorption in GaN in hy­drostatic pressures up to 30 GPa. The disappearance of this absorption at pressures close to 18 GPa was explained by trapping electrons resulting from the shift of nitrogen vacancy related donor level into the GaN energy gap at high pressure. We estimated the energetic position of this level at atmo­spheric pressure to be about 0.8 eV above the conduction band minimum.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.87.141
PACS numbers: 71.55.-i, 71.55.Eq