Austenite Stabilization of Fe-Ni Alloy
V.E. Danilchenko
Metal Physics Institute, Ukrainian Academy of Science, Vernadsky Av. 36, Kiev 252142, Ukraine

and A.V. Nedolya
Department of Physics, Zaporozhye University, Zhukovsky Str. 66, Zaporozhye 330600, Ukraine
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By X-ray powder diffraction and magnetometric methods we investigated the effect of phase hardening during γ-α-γ transitions. In this case austenite becomes more stable to subsequent γ-α-γ transitions, the dislocation density increases, the grain reduce in fragments and the hardness increases, too. In addition the γ-solid solution in some steels is unstable during ageing. The phase hardening was found to stabilize the γ-solid solution of Fe-Ni alloy to subsequent thermal treatment. This is consistent with an increase in carbon mobility after γ-α-γ transitions. That is why decarbonizations of austenite take place during increase in extent of phase hardening.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.86.617
PACS numbers: 61.10.Lx, 61.50.Ks