Rapid Structure Perfection Diagnostics of GaAs Single Crystal by Diffraction of White X-Ray Radiation |
V.I. Khrupa, D.O. Grigoryev, M.Ya. Skorokhod, L.I. Datsenko Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences, Prospect Nauki 45, 252028 Kiev-28, Ukraine and J. Bąk-Misiuk Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland |
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Sensitivity of X-ray integral reflectivity of GaAs single crystal to a degree of structure distortions was established to grow considerably in the Bragg diffraction case when the characteristic AgKα1 line is changed for more hard white radiation. In effect, the absorption length essentially exceeds the extinction length what results in enhancement of incoherent scattering. Measurements of X-ray integral reflectivity coordinate dependence by single crystal spectrometer permitted to determine the mean level of crystal lattice distortion as well as the degree of structure homogeneity of a sample with dislocations. The Debye-Waller static factor value was estimated from X-ray integral reflectivity magnitudes for the 800 reflection of white radiation. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.86.591 PACS numbers: 61.70.-r, 81.40.-z |