Neutron Diffraction Studies of MnFeAsyP1-y System
R. Zach
Institute of Physics, Technical University of Cracow, Podchorążych 1, 30-084 Kraków, Poland

M. Bacmann, D. Fruchart, J.L. Soubeyroux
Laboratoire de Cristallographie, CNRS, Av. des Martyrs, Grenoble, France

S. Nizioł
Uniwersitety of Minning and Metallurgy, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

and R. Fruchart
ENSPG, CNRS, St Martin d'Heres, France
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Magnetic structures of the MnFeAsyP1-y system were examined by means of the neutron diffraction technique in the 1.5-300 K temperature range. Atomic ordering in the metal sublattices, temperature dependence of the incommensurate (y = 0.2 and y = 0.275) and of the ferromagnetic (y = 0.275, y = 0.3, y = 0.5) ordering is discussed.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.85.229
PACS numbers: 75.30.-m, 75.25.+z