Light Induced Ordering of the EL2 Defects in the Metastable State
P. Trautman and J.M. Baranowski
Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University, Hoża 69, 00-681 Warszawa, Poland
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We tried to detect a strain in the crystal induced by the ordering of the EL2 defects in the metastable state by measuring linear dichroism and birefringence. We found that this strain is below the detection limit of our experiments and lower than that induced by 1 MPa of external stress. The observed dependence of orientation of the EL2 defects in the metastable state on the polarization of light used to transform EL2 to the metastable state is consistent with the attribution of the metastability of EL2 to the transformation of the isolated AsGa to the VGaASi defect and is in conflict with the AsGa-ASi defect pair model of EL2.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.84.677
PACS numbers: 71.55.Eq, 78.50.Ge, 78.20.Hp