Pyroelectricity in Non-Central Crystals
L.P. Pereverzeva, Yu.M. Poplavko, Yu.V. Prokopenko
Kiev Polytechnic Institute, 37 Peremogi av., 252056 Kiev, Ukraine

and A.G. Chepiliko
Institute of Physics, AS Ukraine, 46 Nauki av., 252028 Kiev, Ukraine
Received: October 5, 1992; revised version: April 14, 1993
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Unit cell electric arrangement of piezoelectric crystals may be described by various multipole/octupole/dipole electric moments which corresponds to a three/two/one-dimensional intrinsic polarity respectively. Such a latent polar structure is totally self-compensated in piezoelectrics if they are mechanically free, but it is non-compensated in pyroelectrics and ferroelectrics. Uniform but anisotropic partial clamping destroys a total self-compensation of non-central crystal intrinsic polarity. This decompensation allows to observe a polar response that is a "dipole projection" ΔPi from, broken by clamping, spatial polar arrangement of piezoelectrics.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.84.287
PACS numbers: 77.70.+a, 77.80.Bh