Electric Polarization of Onsager Fluids. I. Dipole Polarization. 1. Electric Moments of Free Molecules
V.V. Prezhdoa, G.V. Tarasovab, O.V. Prezhdoc, S.A. Tyurinb, O.N. Akulovab and T.N. Kurskayab
aInstitute of Chemistry, Pedagogical University, Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, Poland
bUkrainian Scientific Center for Water Control, Bakunina 6, Kharkov 310001, Ukraine
cKharkov University, pl. Nezalezhnosty 4, Kharkov 310077, Ukraine
Received: March 2, 1993; revised version: April 6, 1993
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An attempt was made to modify the model Onsager theory. A polarizable molecular dipole enclosed in a spherical cavity is substituted for a rigid one submerged in the polarizable medium which fills the cavity. The local dielectric permittivity of the Heaviside type is replaced for the oscillating, rapidly damping function of the Fresnel integral. The analytical expressions deduced allow to estimate dipoles of free molecules, starting from the results of dielectrometry of polar fluids. The obtained values are as close as possible to the experimental data on a great variety of pure organic liquids.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.84.253
PACS numbers: 35.20.My, 31.70.Dk