Physique des Solides et Morphologie des Surfaces
J. Rousseau
Laboratoire de Tribologie et de Dynamique des Systèmes, URA CNRS 855, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Saint Etienne, France

et T.G. Mathia
Laboratoire de Tribologie et de Dynamique des Systèmes, URA CNRS 855, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
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PHYSICS OF SOLIDS AND MORPHOLOGY OF SURFACES: The morphology of surfaces is now an important field of research because of its direct connection with the industrial activity like manufacturing and optimising of functional criteria through complicated interfacial phenomena. Presently, characterization of the surface morphology, via the profile metrology, is well modelled by a statistical description. The use of shape morphological parameters allows to identify features of the surface structures generated by the process techniques and the emergence of the different phases of the condensed matter. Starting from the solid state background knowledge, prediction of the surface morphology appears as a tedious way. However, progress in the science of the solids formation and industrial requirements promises the best future for the physicists in such a new technological activity. Philosophy and basic formalism of that approach is presented here.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.83.535
PACS numbers: 68.35.-p, 68.55.Jk