High Performance of Electroacoustic Piezoelectric Ceramic Transducers
M.I. Abd El-Atia, M.M. Mosaadb and B.Y. El-Baradiea
aPhysics Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
bPhysics Department, Faculty of Education, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt
Received: December 3, 1991; revised version: March 6, 1992
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Lead zirconate-titanate containing 1 wt % niobium with different Zr/Ti ratios compositions were studied. A pronounced increase in densification during sintering process occurred near tetragonal-rhombohedral phase. Dielectric constant of polarized and unpolarized samples was studied. The rotation of all 90° domains to their original positions caused the more looseness of Ti4+ and Zr4+ in the octahedral configuration leading to greater polarization in the tetragonal structure, thus leading to, higher dielectric constant. Near the phase change, the minimum resonance frequency caused the minimum values of ultrasonic waves, which were emitted from the edge of the polarized ceramic transducers.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.81.527
PACS numbers: 43.35.+d, 77.60.+v