Expansion of the Rotational Energy of Diatomic Molecules into a Continued Fraction
M. Molski and J. Konarski
Department of Theoretical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, A. Mickiewicz University, Grunwaldzka 6, 60-780 PoznaƄ, Poland
Received: January 21, 1992; in final form: March 30, 1992
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A new expansion of the rotational energy of diatomic molecules, in the form of a continued fraction has been investigated. The considered formula is applied in calculation of molecular constants and reproduction of rotational spectra of rigid-, semirigid- and van der Waals-type molecules. A physical interpretation of semiempirical expansion parameters is proposed and a connection between the method considered and the Dunham approach is also discussed.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.81.495
PACS numbers: 33.10.Cs, 33.10.Jz