Field Emission Study of Germanium Thin Films on a Niobium Surface
R.Z. Bakhtizina, A.L. Suvorovb and R.F. Zaripova
aDepartment of Physical Electronics, Bashkir State University, 450074 Ufa, 32 Frunze Street, Russia
bInstitute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 117209 Moscow, 25 B. Cheremushkinskaya Street, Russia
Received: May 21, 1991; in revised form October 31, 1991
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The behaviour of germanium on atomically clean niobium single crystal planes has been studied by probe-hole field emission microscopy as well as by means of the spectral analysis of field emission current fluctuations. Variations of average work function, surface diffusion activation energies, and slopes of the spectral density function with different coverages and substrate temperatures are measured.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.81.247
PACS numbers: 78.50.Ge