Very Thin Silver Layer Growth on the Cu(1II) Face at Different Temperatures
S. Mróz and B. Stachnik
Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Wrocław, Cybulskiego 36, 50-205 Wrocław
Received: May 22, 1991; in final form: July 17, 1991
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Measurements of work function changes (ΔΦ) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy were used for investigation of very thin silver layer adsorption on the (111) face of copper crystal. At room temperature the layer-by-layer growth was observed while at temperatures above 850 K ΔΦ and the Auger peak height kinetics indicated the presence of silver diffusion to the surface layer of the copper sample.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.81.233
PACS numbers: 68.35.-p, 68.55.-a