Positronium Fraction and Positron Life Time at Ni(110) and Ge(110) Surfaces
S.B. Shrivastava and V.K. Gupta
School of Studies in Physics, Vikram University, Ujjain 456 010, India
Received: September 4, 1989; in final form: September 4, 1990
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The fraction of positronium formation and the positron lifetime at Ni(110) and Ge(110) surfaces, when low-energy positrons incident on them, have been calculated using the rate equations approach and positron trapping in image potential well. The calculated results are compared with the available experimental results. The positronium fraction is overestimated at high temperatures in case of Ni(110).
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.79.853
PACS numbers: 68.35.-p, 25.30.Hm