Collapse of Semiflexible Polymers in Two Dimensions. Monte Carlo Simulations |
A. KoliĆski, M. Vieth and A. Sikorski Department of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warszawa, Poland |
Received: July 18, 1990 |
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We present Monte Carlo simulations of a two-dimensional square lattice semi-flexible polymer model. Short-range repulsive potential (excluded volume) and long-range attractive (segment-segment) potential are included. Particular attention was paid to a phase transition of a model polymer chain from a random coil state to a dense globule. The transition temperature increases with the chain length and decreases with the stiffness of the model chain. The cooperativity of the transition increases with the polymer stiffness. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.79.601 PACS numbers: 02.60.+y, 82.35.+t |