Infrared Absorption on Shallow Donors in CdF2
S. Bednarek and J. Adamowski
Department of Solid State Physics, Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
Received: August 8, 1990
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A theoretical description of shallow donor absorption spectra in CdF2 in the infrared region is given. The properties of the stable (Y) and bistable (In) donors are analyzed and quantatively described. It is shown that the bistability of donors and the shape of the infrared absorption band have the same origin, which is the combined effect of electron-LO-phonon coupling, conduction band non-parabolicity and short-range central-cell potential.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.79.393
PACS numbers: 71.55.-i.