The Temperature Dependence of the Three-Dimensional Analogue of the Quantum Hall Effect in Semimagnetic Hg1-xFexSe
I. Laue, O. Portugall and M. Von Ortenberg
Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Optics, Technical University, Mendelssohnstr. 3, D-3300 Braunschweig, Germany
Received: August 8, 1990
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Due to the pinning of the Fermi energy to a localised donor state in Hg1-xFexSe the free carrier concentration oscillates in an applied external magnetic field. We measured the resulting modulations of the Hall resistance in fields up to 17.5 T and at temperatures between 4.2 K and 30 K.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.79.359
PACS numbers: 72.80.Ey