Characterization of the Band Bending in ZnSe-GaAs Heterojunctions by Raman Scattering
W. Bała
Institute of Physics, N. Copernicus University, Grudziądzka 5/7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland

M. Drozdowski and M. Kozielski
Institute of Physics, Poznań Technical University, Piotrowo 3, 60-965 Poznań, Poland
Received: August 8, 1990
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The band bending effect at the ZnSe-GaAs interface Was studied by means of Raman scattering induced by electric-field related to longitudinal-optical (LO) phonons. It has been shown that the variation of the band bending in GaAs can be modifled by changes in the electron concentration of ZnSe epilayer and the variation of the sample temperature.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.79.225
PACS numbers: 78.30.Hv, 61.70.Wp