Experimental Tests on the Fire Resistance of Wooden Fire Doors
M. Bartyś
Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics, Warsaw University of Technology, św. A. Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland
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This paper presents the selected results of experimental tests on the fire resistance of wooden fire doors. It focuses on answering two questions. The first, of a technical nature, is an attempt to answer whether wood, due to its combustible properties, can be used in the construction of fire doors. The second, methodological, is an attempt to indicate the advisability of carrying out experimental research to identify the complexity of physicochemical phenomena. The paper structurally consists of two main parts, namely technical and research. The first part presents the architecture of a prototype wireless distributed network system for fire hazard research and monitoring. The second part of the paper presents selected results of experimental tests performed in the fire testing laboratory using the developed system. The analysis of the obtained experimental results allowed conclusions of a practical nature to be drawn regarding the applicability of the developed system in commercial fire doors. The final section of the paper presents conclusions and directions for further development.

topics: experimental studies, fire resistance test, fire doors, wireless measurement and data acquisition systems