Reduction of Electric Energy Consumption in Drives with Controlled Gear Ratio |
K. Bagiński, W. Credo
Faculty of Mechatronics, Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics, Warsaw University of Technology, św. A. Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland |
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A novel method of reducing energy consumption by electric drive systems operating under strongly variable loads is proposed. It involves the use of a gearbox with a controlled gear ratio that is changed during the implementation of complex motion profiles. Positive results of preliminary simulation studies were experimentally confirmed by testing a modified drive system of an orthotic robot with three variants of the gear ratio: two different values of a constant gear ratio and a controlled gear ratio. A dedicated test stand and experimental methods are discussed. The obtained experimental results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method, namely that the energy consumption was reduced by 8% and 14.1% when using the gearbox with a controlled gear ratio. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.146.640 topics: electric drive systems, energy consumption, controlled gear ratio |