Comparison of the Influence of Torsional Stresses on the Magnetic Properties of Amorphous and Ceramic Materials - Ferrites
J. Salach
Faculty of Mechatronics, Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, św. A. Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland
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The paper presents the results of the comparison of magnetoelastic properties of selected amorphous and ceramic materials under the influence of shear stress resulting from the applied torque. The objects of the research were toroidal cores made of magnetically soft materials, such as ferrite and amorphous iron-based alloy. The ferrite core was made by pressing and sintering powdered material. The amorphous core was wound from amorphous material in the form of a ribbon. The comparison shows similarities and differences between both materials.

topics: magnetoelastic effect, torque sensing, magnetoelastic sensitivity